Our Services

At ABC Tree Lopping Brisbane, we are dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of professional tree care services to meet all your arboricultural needs. With over a decade of experience and a team of certified tree care specialists, we are your trusted partner in maintaining the health and beauty of your trees and enhancing the safety and aesthetics of your property. Here’s a closer look at the services we offer:

Tree Pruning and Lopping:

Expert trimming and shaping to promote healthy growth and maintain safety.
Precision pruning to improve tree structure and aesthetics.

Tree Removal:

Safe and efficient removal of trees that pose a hazard or are no longer needed.
Expertise in handling even the most challenging tree removals.

Stump Grinding:

Thorough removal of tree stumps, eliminating tripping hazards and reclaiming outdoor space.
State-of-the-art equipment for efficient stump grinding.

Tree Care and Maintenance:

Ongoing care to keep your trees healthy and vibrant.
Fertilization, disease management, and pest control to ensure tree longevity.

Emergency Storm Damage Response:

Swift response to storm-related tree damage to prevent further risks.
Safe removal of fallen branches and trees to protect your property.

Palm Tree Removal:

Specialized expertise in removing tall and challenging palm trees.
Efficient and safe removal without harm to surrounding areas.

Land Clearing:

Preparation of your property for construction, landscaping, or other projects.

Efficient clearing of trees and vegetation to create a clean slate.

Why Choose ABC Tree Lopping Brisbane:


With over ten years in the industry, we have the expertise to handle any tree care job, big or small.

Certified Professionals:

Our team consists of certified arborists and tree care specialists who are passionate about trees and dedicated to delivering top-notch service.

Safety First:

We prioritize safety in every aspect of our work, using industry best practices and cutting-edge equipment to ensure the safety of our team and your property.

Environmental Responsibility:

We are committed to environmentally responsible tree care, promoting sustainability and tree preservation whenever possible.

Customer Satisfaction:

Your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. We work closely with you to understand your needs and exceed your expectations.

Local Expertise:

As a local Brisbane company, we have an in-depth understanding of the unique tree care challenges in the area.

Get in Touch:

Whether you need routine tree maintenance, emergency storm damage assistance, or advice on tree care, ABC Tree Lopping Brisbane is here to serve you. Contact us today to discuss your tree care needs and schedule a consultation with our experts. Let us help you maintain the health and beauty of your trees while ensuring the safety and aesthetics of your property.

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